
File Menu#

Shortcut Keys Description
Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new project
Ctrl +Shift+ O Open an existing project
Ctrl +Shift+ S Save All
F1 Open Help File
Shortcut Keys Description
Alt+ shift + N Navigate to TEST DESIGN panel
Alt+ shift + E Navigate to TEST EXECUTION panel
Alt+ shift + D Navigate to DASHBOARD
Alt+ shift + A Adjust UI


Shortcut Keys Description
Ctrl + Plus Add row
Ctrl + Minus Delete rows
Ctrl + B Toggle Breakpoint
Ctrl + / Toggle Comment

Test Data Table#

Shortcut Keys Description
Ctrl + Plus Add Row
Ctrl + Minus Remove Row
Left Double Click Edit header/ cell data


Shortcut Keys Description
F2 Rename
Del Delete
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste


Shortcut Keys Description
F9 show Log
Ctrl + Shift + E Launch Exploratory Ribbon
Ctrl+ Alt + S Open Run settings